How to remain steady in the face of change.


There is a lot of unsteadiness in the world right now. It’s time to take charge. 

The world has seen a huge shift in how we think, moving more into our hearts and remembering  our connection with nature, but we haven't yet collectively developed the structure to support such a dynamic.  ​

Coaching helps you find your feet as the world around us continues the consciousness shift into a new era, by maintaining a steady inner groundedness - while change occurs.  
Coaching provides support in helping you get clear on your personal values, values that are in alignment to support, challenge and nurture you in a positive way.  
Connecting to what truly matters to you, provides the felt sense of core stability in the body.   When established in the body, this then supports a freeing of the mind which allows room for mental and emotional flexibility. 
Development of Personal Presence moves you towards becoming a mindful leader, giving you authority in your life by taking your meditation practice off your yoga mat and into your everyday way of life.


How Stress Affects the Body

60 -80% of primary care doctor visits are related to stress, yet only 3% of patients receive stress management help. 

Understanding the mechanics of stress gives you the advantage of being more aware of and sensitive to your own level of stress and knowing when and how to take proactive steps.  This increased awareness also helps you to better care for your family, friends and colleagues.

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Intelligent Energy Management

Every day we wake up with a certain amount of energy to use.  Basically we are energy systems that use and renew energy.  Do we ever stop and consider how our body system is being depleted and could we perhaps learn to more intelligently  manage our energy?  

This program Introduces the Energy depletion to renewal system. 


The Recharge You Formula

Breakthrough to a new level of personal or professional success.  Gifting you with governance of your whole mind-body system and a supernatural ability to love.  


“Even after the first session, I felt a shift in my thinking. I started to feel more relaxed and in control of my life.”

“By the end of my sessions with Kathy I was feeling much calmer and clearer on how to continue with making changes in my life and building my business..”

— Amanda Gambas